Tvær systur
– Two Sisters –
(Guðfinna Jónsdóttir's original text)
Í dalsins kyrrð þær uxu af einni rót,
Tvö yndisblóm, er teygðu sig geislum mót.
Frá himni og jörð þær öðluðust sömu svör,
Því sömu spurnir léku á beggja vör.
Og timinn leið. Svo leiddust þær hönd í hönd
Um heiðan dag á æskunnar furðuströnd,
Og sami eldur í beggja hjörtum brann,
Þær báðar hlutu að elska sama mann.
Sú undi skammt, er öðlaðist lánsins gjöf,
Því annarrar sorg þær lagði báðar í gröf.
Á legstaðnum hvísla reyrstráin raunamál
Um rósir tvær, sem drottinn gaf eina sál.
(translation by Helga Ragnarsdóttir)
In the stillness of the valley, they grew from one root,
Two flowers of wonder, reaching for the sun.
From heaven and earth, they received the same answers,
As the same questions played on their lips.
And time passed. Then they went hand in hand
Through bright days on the strange shore of youth
And the same fire burned in both their hearts.
They both were to love the same man.
She stayed shortly, she who earned the gift of luck,
As the other’s grief put them both in the grave.
At the gravesite the straws whisper secret stories
Of two roses, that the Lord gave only one soul.